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What is PPC advertising?

PPC or Pay-Per-Click advertising is a form of advertisement where you pay each time a potential customer clicks on the ad. PPC advertising can be great for businesses looking to grow traffic or for businesses looking to target keywords that they’re not ranking highly for through SEO. PPC advertising can be found in the form of Google Ads and Bing Ads. Google PPC ads are the most common due to Google holding over 92% market share. However, this usually means most people skip Bing and Yahoo ads, making them a great option for small businesses and people with lower budgets.

9 Benefits of PPC Advertising

In this article, we’re going to uncover 11 benefits of PPC advertising. These benefits are not specific to any search engine, meaning you can reap these benefits whether you decided on Google, Bing, or even Yahoo.

#1 Increase your brand recognition

A website isn’t just a place to sell your products, it’s the perfect place to sell your brand. The problem is that, if you’re not getting visitors, you have nobody to sell your brand to. PPC advertising boosts you to the top of the search engine result pages (SERPs) and means you will be seen amongst or even above your competition for relevant keywords. This massively increases the recognition of your brand. In fact, LucidPress did a study that found a 33% increase in revenue with brands that have a consistent presence in the marketplace.

When you use PPC, most of the time people will only see your URL, meta title, and meta description. Whilst you can’t show them a logo they may recognise, having your brand name clearly visible is key to helping with brand recognition and growth.

#2 You can reach your ideal customers

One of the largest benefits of PPC is the ability to reach the right audience. Pay-per-click advertising allows you to easily target the specific phrases your audience is searching for and rank at the top. On top of this, you can target specific demographics based on the information the search engines hold. This includes targeting:

  • Location
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Life Events
  • Parenting Status
  • Marital Status
  • Device

Another way to target your exact audience is through retargeting. If a potential customer views your site, you can retarget them down the line through PPC by having them see the same product they viewed on your page.

#3 Thrive Even Through Algorithm Changes

SEO is seen as the long-term strategy for many businesses when it comes to their search engine marketing strategy. However, SEO can sometimes be ruined by Google and their algorithm updates. Just last April, Google released an unofficial algorithm update which caused lots of sites to see their traffic disappear. Whilst we’re not saying to avoid SEO (it’s needed if you want to succeed online), it’s good to have multiple traffic forms. And, one benefit of PPC over SEO is algorithm changes don’t hurt your PPC campaign. Why? Because Google won’t allow their paying customers to be damaged as they want you to spend money on ads.

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#4 Get The Local Top Spot

Unlike organic search, using pay-per-click you can easily generate leads in local areas. With PPC, you can select the countries, regions, cities, and towns your ads show up. This allows targeting keywords where the location is mentioned and ‘near me’ phrases. This location extension makes it super easy to target your local audience. You can extend this by running multiple ads for the different locations where your business is situated and build awareness in these towns, cities or countries.

#5 See Immediate Results

PPC will always remain the best option for a quick turnaround on your investment. This is because you can set up, run and see PPC advertising returns in an hour. Whether you’re a new business or looking for a quick jump in traffic, you can easily boost your products or services to hundreds or even thousands of potential customers in no time. This can be especially useful with promotions that are run over short time frames as it allows for quick promotion and can easily be switched off after the promotion is finished.

#6 Experience a high return on your investment

When PPC is done right, it can lead to a high ROI. The general idea is quite simple, you spend £1 on advertising and receive £1.50 or £2 or even more from that investment. Whilst this is possible, there are a lot of businesses that lose money on pay-per-click due to having bad marketing strategies. The best way to avoid this and experience a high return on your ad spend is to employ an agency that specialises in PPC ads.

#7 You only pay when someone clicks your ads

As the name implies, you pay each time somebody clicks on your ad. Compared to other advertising methods (like social media marketing where you pay on an impression basis) you have a huge leg up with PPC as if you’re being charged it means the potential customer has already shown interest and increases the chances of receiving a conversion. With interest already shown, a solid landing page can easily become a high converter for your business.

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#8 Contribute to higher overall website traffic

PPC advertising is not just quick to generate results but also quickly attracts traffic for the entire website. Paid advertisements don’t directly influence your rankings, but increase overall clicks on websites. Having more users on your website can improve your organic rankings.

PPC advertising can be utilised to simply sell one product, but it can also be used to grow your traffic sitewide. Whilst they don’t directly improve your rankings, PPC advertising can benefit some ranking factors which can help increase your organic listings. Having more clicks, more time spent on your site, and more goal completions can lead to Google viewing your site as more relevant and boosting you organically. In the short and long run, this exposure can lead to an increase in your overall website traffic, and not just the traffic to your ads landing page.

#9 You set the maximum budget for your ads

The biggest worry for a lot of people is that PPC advertising is a big expenditure and, whilst this can be true, most of the time it is not the case. A huge benefit of pay-per-click is that you can control the amount you spend on a daily basis to align with your budget allowance. With smaller budgets, you may struggle to compete against the big competition for big keywords but that doesn’t render ads meaningless. Instead, you can utilise smaller budgets to target keywords that big businesses gloss over and can easily still reap the rewards without spending every penny you have.

Final Thoughts

PPC ads are a great way to massively grow your traffic and when done right can reap massive benefits, most important of all a good return on your investment. With PPC there is something for everyone, with different strategies to fit every business. Don’t miss out on an amazing opportunity for growth, reach out today and take your business to the next level.

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