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There is no more cost-effective or better way to advertise your business than on the web. The real value of a website though, is having a website that delivers results. There are many reasons why you should be upgrading your website. We have broken them down into five key areas.

Gain More Clients

If you’ve ever wondered why your website does not generate more enquiries, it is time to get a business-savvy web design agency to take a look at your site. An agency will be able to breakdown ways your site could see an increase in the conversion rate. They will also be able to offer ways in which to limit your bounce rates by ensuring browsers stay longer on your site and come back to visit.

Better Customer Care

Previously in the past, organisations survived without caring about how their customers felt about their products. Some even flourished. The balance of power has now shifted from the seller to the buyer. This transition is largely because of the internet and even more so now by social media. Knowing what is important to your customers and their opinions is very important. This can be done by an email, telephone call or by adding a contact form. Add social media links as well, as not everyone wants to make a phone call or send an email.

You Look Out of Date

When browsers click onto a website that looks out of date, they start to assume the business is out of date also. If a website looks out of touch, visitors start to assume the organisation is out of touch also. Your website is like an online shop window, you want to be able to give visitors to your site the best possible experience and impression of your company. Having a great website design is also essential to the successful branding of your business.

Google SEO

Potential and existing customers are looking for the products you offer online. Your business needs to be found easily online. Poorly optimised websites receive little web traffic. SEO (search engine optimisation) needs to be built in to the structure of the site from the start. SEO is important to small businesses for a number of other reasons also. SEO ensures your businesses website is getting in front of the right customers above your competition.

Get More Social

Effective use of social media can keep the content of your website looking fresh and also improve SEO. Social media also offers great ways to encourage engagement with existing and potential customers.

Think it’s time for a website redesign? If you’re in need of a new website, get in contact with us today!

Want to see how good your website could look? View our previous work here

Claudia De Luca
Claudia De Luca
Get in touch
Let’s talk



207 Regent Street