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Understanding the importance of high converting websites

When it comes to your business website, attracting visitors is only half the battle. The real value comes in converting those site visits into sales enquiries, sign-ups or purchases of your product, and that’s where a high converting website makes all the difference.

Anatomy of a high converting website

A high converting website means that customers landing on your website are behaving in the way you want them to, be it making a purchase or subscribing to a mailing list.

Remember, your website’s goal is to drive revenue for your company, both directly and indirectly. Getting customers to your website is a great first step, but if you’re failing to convert those visits into sales and bookings then your website isn’t delivering.

Quick tips for increasing conversion rate

Fortunately, just because your website isn’t converting today doesn’t mean it can’t be tomorrow. A high converting website is a process and just a few simple changes can make all the difference. Let’s look at some ways you can improve your website conversions:

The importance of a first impression 

How your website looks has a huge influence on your ability to convert customers, and with first impressions formed in seconds it’s vital your site connects positively with your audience. Design plays a key role in your website’s appearance, but it also influences your website’s UX (User Experience) which determines how customers interact with your site. If your website is failing to convert, engaging a UX web designer is a great place to start.

Landing pages – why you must

Landing pages are where the majority of website traffic leads, so they’re an important opportunity to engage and convert customers. To maximise conversions, your landing page should communicate your company’s USPs (unique selling points), feature a strong hero image that appeals to your audience, and have a clear CTA (call to action) that inspires customers to click through.

No more desktop only sites

Ensuring your website is optimised for mobile is another key way to improve conversions. With the majority of users now accessing online content via mobile over desktop, search engines such as Google are prioritising a quality mobile experience when determining their search criteria. A website that isn’t mobile optimised will negatively impact your ability to convert customers, so getting your site to perform well on mobile should be a top priority when looking to improve your CRO (conversion rate optimisation).

Social proof builds trust

Trust is another crucial factor when it comes to a high converting website. Putting key trust messages upfront on your site can help to build customer confidence and eliminate any doubts about your product or service. Be sure to prominently showcase positive reviews and customer testimonials as well as any industry accreditations or awards that demonstrate your trustworthiness.

A CTA that converts

A CTA is a button on your website that directs users to act. The more compelling your CTA the more likely it is to convert, so avoid generic phrases such as ‘click now’ or ‘download’ in favour of more enticing wording such as ‘start your free 30 day trial’ or ‘save 10% on your first purchase’. The placement and colour of your CTA also has an influence, so if you’re experiencing a low CTA take-up, try positioning your CTA in a different location or changing its colour.

Do your market research 

Appealing to your target customer is key to a high converting website and a great way to ensure you’re delivering what they’re looking for is by conducting market research. Produce a survey that asks your customers to rate elements of your website or what they look for generally in a positive website experience. The insights you glean can offer some great actions for improving your website’s conversions.

The power of A/B tests

Finally, make use of A/B or split testing whenever you’re implementing a change to your website. Even if it’s something as basic as a homepage image, split testing enables you to gauge customer reaction and move forward with the option that offers the highest conversions.

To hear more about how to increase the conversion rate of your website, please get in touch! We can be reached by email at hello@regencycreative.co.uk.

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